How to install app on Android

How to install APK, APKs, XAPK?

Updated on

When downloading games and applications at APKMODY.COM, you will need to install them on your device to be able to use them. So, do you know how to install it or not? If not, let’s learn more about installing apps on APKMODY with me.

At APKMODY, we package & share apps through popular formats like APK, APKs, XAPK. Therefore, to be able to install them successfully, you will need to know how to be able to install these formats. First, let’s learn the basics of these formats.

About APK, APKs, XAPK formats

APKs, APKs, XAPKs are the most basic formats of an Android application.

What’s APK?

APK is the most basic format for wrapping Android apps. The APK file is the simplest format, which can be installed directly on an Android phone or on a PC through an emulator.

What’s APKs?

APKs are essentially a ZIP archive of multiple Android App Bundles component APK files. APKs are usually smaller in size than APK because they contain only the most essential components.

You cannot directly install APKs, you must install them through another tool called XAPKS Installer.

What’s XAPK?

XAPK also has the same structure as APKs, but it contains OBB – Large size binary data part of Android application.

How to install

Before you begin, make sure you have Google Play’s Play Protect turned off to avoid blocking and slowing down when installing apps from outside of Google Play.

Install APK

How to install APK from APKMODY

Step 1: Download .apk file from APKMODY

Step 2: Open the file .apk just downloaded on your device

Step 3: In the dialog box that appears, select Install

Install XAPK / APKs

How to install APKs XAPK from APKMODY

Before you start, you have to install the APKMODY Installer app.

Step 1: Open APKMODY Installer -> select Install.

Step 2: Find the location of the downloaded APKs/XAPK file -> Select file -> tap on Select.

Step 3: The install dialog will appear, select Install.

Common problems when installing APK, APKs, XAPK

Although the installation is relatively easy, you may still encounter a few problems. In case you do not know how to fix it, you can refer to the article “Common errors when installing applications and how to fix them”.


Here is our guide. If you have any questions or suggestions, don’t hesitate to leave a comment to let us know. Thank you very much for reading.

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4.43/5 (7 votes)
  • dima-ost90ne avatar
    Dmytro Ostapovets

    Hm, the mods keep saying not compatible

  • rcgomez1981 avatar
    Roberto Contreras

    Is there something I have to do to update a game? or is it automatic?

    • sherwincando8 avatar
      Sherwin Cando (OwveuS)

      Apkmody will send us a notification for update

  • scamuelrogalski avatar
    SCAMUEL rogalski

    The mods keep saying not compatible with my device can you make them compatible with s24s please

  • fgenugu avatar
    Fabrizio Genugu

    Hello. I cannot log in the downloaded apps to with Google or Facebook. Always error in Facebook and try to log in later whit Google. Any tips? Otherwise, the apps become unusable

    • apkmody avatar

      Delete FB app then login via browser

  • jblababo avatar
    John Benedict Lababo

    Good website

  • dovantu2789 avatar
    Đỗ Văn Tú

    Pls i dont no why, but i downloaded netfix and instaled it but when i click in any film just have circle roll loop pemanent, i will appreciate with your help!!!

  • munkhan348 avatar
    mdrafial mamun

    Nice app is great

  • farhadsayah781 avatar
    Farhad Sayah

    Number 1

  • wasiulawal3 avatar
    lawal wasiu

    Great site, I love it. Pls whenever I download an App after three days it disappears on my phone. Please help. Thanks

  • tiktokboy9001 avatar
    Grans Boy

    Hi, I want to ask about this application. All applications installed on the phone do not affect the health of the phone. Or they are not hacked. Please answer admin.

  • bismarkantwi0552 avatar
    Bismark Antwi

    Please I want the apkmody apk and how can I download it

  • skocaaga16 avatar
    süleyman Kocaaga

    Great site THANK YOU for everything

  • lauren-hamrick54 avatar
    Lauren Hamrick


  • ugonkem14 avatar
    Ugosamy Ugochukwu

    Am trying to get Audiomack not yet seen here since

  • lauren-hamrick54 avatar
    Lauren Hamrick

    Hello, um sims freeplay won’t let me log in to Google play, any tips?

  • ezxshn avatar
    E Z X S H N

    Where is the Common errors when installing applications and how to fix them article?

  • lauren-hamrick54 avatar
    Lauren Hamrick

    Hello ?? could you upload super stylist?

  • lauren-hamrick54 avatar
    Lauren Hamrick

    Thank you so much for what you guys do! I love this site so much, I kindly ask if could upload sims freeplay. I love that game and had it previously from apkmody io. So sorry to hear about that site, hope you guys can update it soon!

  • kevinchevy67 avatar
    Kevin Bedwell

    Well? What’s wrong? Did I not do something right? Can I get an answer?

  • kevinchevy67 avatar
    Kevin Bedwell

    How do I get the “high reward”?

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