How to fix error of not showing playlist & not being able to listen to music in Spotify

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Recently, when using Spotify Premium MOD APK downloaded from APKMODY, many users have encountered the problem of not showing playlists and not being able to listen to music. If you are one of those affected, don’t worry, here is how to fix it.

Step 1: Clear app data

Clear Spotify app data. If you don’t know how, you can delete Spotify Premium MOD APK and reinstall it.

Note that you should not log into your account at this step.

Step 2: Use VPN to change IP of your device

Use a VPN to change your device IP to the US or any country where Spotify is available.

Step 3: Switch account region

Go to from your browser, log in with your Spotify account and change your region to the US or the country of the VPN.

If the option to change country is not available, wait a while and try again while still connected to the VPN.

Switch Spotify account region

Step 4: Final

Please note that you still need to enable VPN to change your device region to the country you selected in step 3 to use the app. Open Spotify and enjoy your favorite song.

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Good luck!

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  • antifacat1312 avatar
    Roula Giannousi

    Guys with the vpn hack I can listen songs but not podcasts. It says that there are not any episodes. What’s going on? 😭

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