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Ace Attorney Trilogy APK v1.00.02

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App Info

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Google Play
Size952 MB
MOD FeatureNot available
Requires Android 6.0
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Internet Required
Not Required

Coming to Ace Attorney Trilogy APK, players will experience the best 3 versions wrapped in a single game that the developer wants to send as a gift of gratitude to gamers through the milestones of promotion that Ace Attorney has achieved over the years.

Introduce about Ace Attorney Trilogy

Ace Attorney can be considered as one of the rare games from the land of the Rising Sun is the perfect combination of legal proceedings and detective cases, and is also one of the best titles of this genre ever appeared.

Over nearly 20 years with more than 12 different main and sub-versions from the famous developer Capcom, Ace Attorney has built his absolute solid reputation as well as a strong fanbase of gamers. Fans all over the world love this game, from the first version released in 2000 until today.


The game will be revolving around thrilling murder cases set in different contexts, with the focus of Phoenix Wright – the defense lawyer character that we control as the focus of the investigation of the trail, Witness interrogation, client protection, and crime investigation are essential duties.

All will have up to 14 dramatic long cases for players to explore with chains and sequences that are sequentially linked together very logically, which will surely surprise gamers every time they find the ultimate culprit in each case.


Unlike the complicated detective gameplay like Sherlock Holmes when having to collect in turn from tiny traces on the screen, Ace Attorney is fortunately not like that with the focus on the dialogue between the main characters with the rest of the NPCs in the game to help players have to focus on each word, and connect the context and facial expressions of the characters to find the answer they want.

This invisibly makes a difference to the detective genre, creating a real feeling like the reasoning and defense of a real lawyer in real life, although it sounds long, it is dramatic. The script and dialogue of the game are very well written with coherent and concise sentences, without causing the player to have to read too many words.

Next, every time the accused character you defend is about to serve a sentence, the player will have to find evidence and investigate the characters related to each other based on the testimony and information of your client.

This process is also simplified compared to other games of the same genre with the player only focusing on talking to find out the contradictory loopholes in the NPC’s words, the evidence is revealed step by step out, and logical connection with each other when gamers choose the right dialogues, all to protect evidence for the client on the court day.

The first cases will certainly not make it difficult for players, but later on, more complex cases can take up to several days of investigation, plus having to interrogate dozens of different NPCs to find evidence is also a problem. It is not a small challenge for gamers, but please rest assured that the difficulty level will be at an acceptable level, not a puzzle that discourages players.

In addition, the defense feature once again takes the dialogue in the game to a new level, as the player must constantly find weaknesses and arguments in the dialogue of various witnesses, as well as public officials, who are trying to destroy your client.

At this point, the developer has once again done a great job of pushing the inference of gamers in the most logical layout possible in a tight scenario from the beginning to the climax, explosion, reasoning, and end, without any redundant dialogue being included.

All there is only one truth, so players only need to focus on contradictions and evidence that lack links as well as close connections to the information content of the explanation.

Graphics and sounds

Although the image is only 2D, the characters stretching from beginning to end are all designed to be very soulful, full of emotions, suitable for their context in that situation and make their own mark in the story during the gamer’s encounter with the case.

The sound is needless to say when the background music is extremely excellent and rich, especially depending on the different circumstances that the main character faces, there will be different songs that sound, it is really impressive when playing describe what the story in the game wants to convey.

Download Ace Attorney Trilogy APK free for Android

To sum it up, Ace Attorney Trilogy is a rare wonderful game on the subject of criminal prosecution, which will surely bring you many different emotions, from witty to dramatic, compassionate to nervous. A gift instead of a more meaningful thank you that the developer wants to send to the gaming community is great because of its quality.

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3/5 (1 votes)
  • jombloabadi883 avatar
    Cursed Azrael

    Update the latest apk pls to 1.00.01 in episode 1 justice for all there’s a glitch some dialog are missing and i can’t continue to the next witness testimony

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