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60 Parsecs! APK v1.3.1

Robot Gentleman

App Info

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Google Play IDcom.RobotGentleman.sixtyParsecs.mobile
Size240 MB
MOD FeatureNot available
Requiresandroid Android 5.1
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Internet Required
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60 Parsecs! screenshot 160 Parsecs! screenshot 260 Parsecs! screenshot 360 Parsecs! screenshot 460 Parsecs! screenshot 560 Parsecs! screenshot 660 Parsecs! screenshot 760 Parsecs! screenshot 8

60 Parsecs! is a strange survival game that is quite picky about players, but if you feel it, from the transformation to the way to enter,2 you will quickly enter a unique difficult survival experience. The game has achieved much success on the PC platform, now encroaching on mobile promises to bring a new level of emotions to fans of the fantasy world survival genre with a fun cartoon style.

Introduce about 60 Parsecs!

Cartoon-style fantasy survival game once played is hard to forget!

The game is very hard to play!

Hit your eye is a confusing phrase – 60 Parsecs! – also the game name. To understand more about the plot told in 60 Parsecs!, perhaps it is a good idea to start with the meaning of the game.

Parsec is a unit used to measure astronomical distances, each parsec is equivalent to 3.26 light years. 60 Parsec is an unbelievable number to talk about how far the characters in this game are from Earth, where they are looking to return.

If you’ve played through 60 seconds, the game from the same developer, with the opening has 60 seconds to pack up before the nuclear disaster strikes. Then there was a long string of days stuck in the family basement. Lots of funny situations and possible endings. Yeah, if you’ve played 60 seconds, maybe 60 parsecs! can’t make it difficult for you. However, this game also has its own strange storyline and gameplay that the writer personally finds even more annoying than 60 seconds before.

Well, before fully understanding how 60 Parsecs! drive you crazy, let’s see what the story it’s about.

The story

In a space station about to explode, you and your teammates will have to gather all the equipment needed to evacuate to a spaceship. From here, the small ship begins to drift aimlessly in the middle of endless space, carrying in it the pitiful fates that also do not know what the end will be.

Before reaching the new resettlement site (which I think is a planet up to 60 parsecs away from Earth as the game name mentions), you will have to do every way to survive.

Everything seems to be at hand, but it can always get out of hand. You’ll decide what to bring, and who will be your teammates. The captain is you.

However, authority goes hand in hand with responsibility. As the helm of a team of unlikely event survivors, you will be held accountable for all your decisions and actions. A forewarning if you don’t know about 60 Parsecs!: think twice before choosing an item to put in your and your companions’ luggage. The entire quality of life and whether the relationship later breaks down or becomes desperate depends a lot on these items.

Along with this heavy story, 60 parsecs! divides into 2 main stages: before and after boarding.

Prepare to enter the journey of survival

In the short time given by the game before the space station explodes, you must choose your teammates and quickly control the touch screen to move to places to get the necessary items to carry.

Controls in this stage are relatively simple. But having to quickly glance through areas looking for small items while simultaneously thinking about what matters. Confusion can cause you to fumble, lose control, or swat an item over (which you’ll later regret why you took it). Previewing this small review can help you realize the vital importance of this preparatory step. Think if you had a few seconds, you would run to find what to bring to survive. Think carefully before entering the game.

The battle for survival on the spaceship

Play 60 Parsecs! is like flipping through the pages of a book. Going through the initial confusing phase of the preparation, the new page begins to open once aboard the ship. The scenery of the train does not change over time, nor do the people in it. Only in the dialogue, the amount of the inventory in the ship is changed.

Reading the problem through the dialogues between the characters, you will know what you are facing: food and water are the two most important things to ensure survival. As a Captain, you must divide the calculation evenly among the members so that the team’s survival time is the longest.

Each character on the ship has survival stats. Always keep an eye on these stats and don’t let anyone die before coming to a new planet far from the wonderful Earth. It’s every player’s final destination in 60 Parsecs!

However, it is not easy

It should be said that in the state of a tiny ship with only enough room for such a few people, the resource system of this game is almost nonexistent, depending entirely on the items you get initially.

The machinery on the ship took turns having problems. Each repair costs a lot of energy for each member. Heavy time with repetitive chores and struggles with hunger and thirst, the cold can drive a mentally weak person crazy.

Some situations involve the outside as well. For example, because you run out of material resources, you will send your people to explore other lands outside the spaceship to collect more necessities. There is always a risk of death or luckily return injured. Every time an incident happened, it left a scar on the team’s relationship. Solidarity, spirit, and common energy will go down clearly.

Survival determines the relationship, the relationship determines the outcome

Your relationship with your crew, along with survival items, is what determines the outcome of the game. Will everyone be dead when they find a new land or a pervert turn stupid when he lands in a safe place? Or worse, never find a place where you can set foot, and both the crew and the Captain perish in the middle of the dark universe?

Can see everything in 60 parsecs! are all causal. Things may come slowly, but this will follow the other, which is the cause of the other. It is so deep that even though you have anticipated the consequences of your actions, you are added to by a few more incidents, making the consequences more serious than ever.

There are many endings in the game and of course with this difficulty, almost very few people who achieve HE come to the promised land to live a carefree life here. The SE is everyone gone, there were no survivors on the ship. In the middle, there are a few equally situational endings that I will leave for you to experience for yourself.

Download 60 Parsecs! APK free for Android

60 Parsecs! requires reading English. Read continuously, plus memorize previous data figures. You have to be very patient, love to read, and have to be the type of player who loves to study to feel this game.

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