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AnTuTu Benchmark APK v10.4.3

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App Info

Updated On
Package Namecom.antutu.ABenchMark
Size73 MB
MOD FeatureNot available
Requires Android
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Internet Required
Not Required

AnTuTu Benchmark will help you measure mobile phone performance, thereby making it easy for you to compare specifications between phones and find the best quality phone for you.

Introduce about AnTuTu Benchmark

Accurately measure mobile phone performance and specifications with AnTuTu Benchmark!

When should you measure mobile performance?

In many cases, you’ll need a table detailing your phone’s specs so you can easily compare it with another phone, either at purchase or in exchange. You may still get referral information from the seller or the product listing, but with old, used phones, this is potentially quite risky because it is difficult to determine.

Determining the performance of a mobile device also helps you know if the phone you are using is suitable for playing, downloading, and doing some special tasks or need to rely on cloud storage or external storage.

In all of these situations, you need a tool that accurately measures overall performance and displays a detailed range of your phone specifications. One of the most commonly used tools today is AnTuTu Benchmark.

What’s so special about AnTuTu Benchmark?

Compared to apps with similar functions, AnTuTu Benchmark is evaluated for fast, in-depth results with a more professional appearance when measuring phone performance. The results given by AnTuTu Benchmark are also said to be more multidimensional, helping users have a more objective and complete view of the quality of the phone in hand.

AnTuTu Benchmark’s method of scoring Android phones is based only on analyzing parameters of configuration, memory, and hardware details to draw detailed conclusions about the device’s performance. So there is no subjectivity or partiality here. This is an important factor that helps users to trust and rely on AnTuTu Benchmark to compare devices with each other.

In addition, in case of users do not fully understand the specialized terms in mobile device hardware (such as what is the operating system, what the screen size decides, and what the resolution affect…), You can also find detailed definitions by touching these terms. This is a small but extremely effective extra feature, bringing AnTuTu Benchmark closer to non-technical users.

AnTuTu Benchmark also owns an intuitive design, little manipulation, and is easy to use. Even non-techies can use it without any hassle or difficulty.

Detailed, objective mobile hardware scoring tool

AnTuTu Benchmark is an all-in-one mobile scoring tool. With this single app, you’ll have at hand all the necessary parameters, indicators, and benchmarks about the phone you are holding in your hand.

The first is the Performance parameters: CPU, GPU, RAM, and memory storage capacity. All information about name, origin, capacity, and ability to perform tasks will be fully shown in a detailed report from the application. Specifically, with the CPU you can identify the ability to handle real numbers, floating point, clock speed, power consumption, multiplier, thread, and multi-core processing level. With the GPU graphics card test, AnTuTu Benchmark will test the device’s 2D and 3D image processing capabilities. With RAM, there are bandwidth indicators, system data transmission latency, memory optimization, storage speed, read and write.

Not only determine the internal power of the device in use, but AnTuTu Benchmark is also a tool that gives you suggestions for the most powerful hardware parts in each section. By selecting each piece of hardware separately and selecting Score, you will know how much your device’s hardware is ranked in the market, and also see which devices with which hardware are the best in the world AnTuTu Benchmark ranking.

How AnTuTu Benchmark works

The way AnTuTu Benchmark works is to analyze the strong and weak capabilities of a device based on measurements according to certain standards (for example, standards for multi-threading, multi-core, etc) with each type of hardware compared with world standards. AnTuTu Benchmark will do this piecemeal.

That is, for each piece of hardware, the app will display detailed specifications, thereby giving hardware assessments and scores. Scores from that hardware on your device are then uploaded to the app system’s database, and reused with previously available worldwide databases for rating the hardware of the device you are using. So you can use this score, and ranking result to see where your mobile is compared to other mobile devices in the world.

Thanks to the diverse and detailed evaluation criteria for each section, the scoring results of AnTuTu Benchmark are diverse, objective, and comprehensive. With a mobile phone, you can quickly recognize its strengths and weaknesses (e.g. strong in graphics processing but weak in math processing tasks…).

Download AnTuTu Benchmark APK for Android

If you want to measure performance or comprehensively score mobile device hardware, let’s use AnTuTu Benchmark. The detailed impressions and objective scores provided by this app will give you the most complete view of your mobile.

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